Magazine for Sexuality and Politics

Poems from Brazil

Gleice Ferreira


Private Brands




body full of scars

Keeps memories


Treads firm, falters

Staggers in the bush


Steps without making noise

Starting point - Faith

Where you want to go

You've got to have courage.



I am an invention of me

bottomless pit



emptiness [...]






reverie and colic.


He has always had a predilection for the obscene, the unusual, for what dilates the pupil, for what burns, stings.

(Like me)

She was snatched up by a gentleman in the middle of nowhere.

"In the middle of nowhere"

For a dance

She levitated for three minutes exactly

They were intertwined bodies, fire, fury, gallop and immensity.

Time stopped there.


And a crimson hue left intoxicated the sky.

I desperately wrote this letter.

********* in portuguese ***********


Marcas próprias




corpo cheio de cicatrizes

Guarda memórias


Pisa firme, vacila

Cambaleia na mata


Pisa sem fazer ruído

Ponto de partida - Fé

Aonde quer chegar

É preciso ter coragem.



sou uma invenção de mim

poço sem fundo



vazios [...]






devaneio e cólicas.


Sempre teve predileção para o obsceno, o incomum, pelo que dilata a pupila, pelo que queima, arde.

(Como eu)

Foi arrebatada por um cavalheiro no meio do nada.

"No nada"

Para uma dança

Ficou a levitar por 3 exatos minutos

Eram corpos entrelaçados, fogo, fúria, galope e imensidão.

O tempo parou ali.


E um tom carmim deixou embriagou o céu.

Escrevi desesperadamente esta carta.

Daughter of the land of the Sun, Jequié.

Teacher, actress, writer, Conteudista Parú, member of the Mulherio das Letras Indígenas, member of the Wonderful Women Collective, light operator and poet, she has been writing since she was 13 years old, in the form of letters and diary.

Reader of short stories and poetry by Via Litterarum Editora.

Writer invited to Flipelô 2022 to join Chief Juvenal Payayá and writer Suzi Fersec on a panel.

During the pandemic that has ravaged the world in the last two years, she has found in writing a way to survive and to worship her ancestry.

She has poems and poetry published in some anthologies, magazines and e-books, such as: Girassol, Arrebol Poético, Revista Tamarina Literária, Revista Sucuru, Coletânea Mulheres Maravilhosas.

The word is a double-edged knife and her hands are wings.

Launched her first handmade Fanzine "Red, present!" In May 2021 Containing 11 poems and 7 collages.

"The future is ancestral." And red is present.

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