Magazine for Sexuality and Politics

Issue 04

Relatedness – Belonging

#WoMen, Life, Freedom - Where to belong ?


Moving between cultures: German, Iranian and American, Hengameh invites us to see the complexities of the desire to belong somewhere that go hand in hand with conflicting experiences of racism, rejection and exclusion.

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"I belong nowhere"


After a long journey through the Balkans, Parhan became stranded in Germany. In a touching column, he writes about his understanding of "belonging."

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Shopping and the Sense of Belonging

Susanne Schade

The notion of having instead of giving is a determining characteristic of this unique time in history. The music of the 60s is being listened to less and less. While the critique of consumerism in the 60’s was widely accepted and many leftists would even knit their own jumpers back then, nowadays people are becoming increasingly silent when it comes to critiquing capitalism in this respect. The consumerist lifestyle not only fits in well with the capitalist economy but also serves as a form of psychological compensation for a lack of love experienced at an early age.

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Black Families Matter

Susanne Schade

If your moral compass splits into right and wrong without acknowledging any grey zones, then you are missing the point of this text. It draws attention to a certain difficulty experienced by political movements and also to the challenges facing charitable organizations and governmental agencies in reaching people in need. There is a universal aspect of the lived experience of Black families in need of help that can be applied to other groups in society.

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