In 2024 many challenges were met. So this is a little memory of what has been at it's core.
Relationships can have many facetts. Here are some thoughts on how difficulties in modern relationships can be met. This is exspecially the case for bigger cities as Berlin, New York or London and Paris. But hey, not talking certainly does not help.
For those how have not yet been successful in finding their sweet heart, this text is a must read. Too many obstacles can get in the way of finding the sweet heart, most and foremost it's narcissistic behaviour.
In the english speaking world there is much fuss about critical psychology, which is in its essence just very hyprocritical to the current state of affairs when it turns to sexuality and politics. This text is an old text that is still up to date, since it introduces a new way of thought.
Es ist eine Kunst für viele Menschen durchs Leben zu schreiten. In diesem Text wird aufgezeigt warum.